Friday 20 April 2012


The wait is almost over! Yes, is exactly one week anyway! On April 27th, the blog as you currently know it will no longer exist and it's place will be a new jazzy website for you to look at!

Mansnaps has come a long way since I started the blog back in late September and I just want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has supported. I hope you all continue to follow at our new address!

Here is Mansnaps from the beginning...

I nervously launched Mansnaps at the end of September under the disguise of a title, Man Snaps. The title came about as I sat at home one Saturday afternoon, wanting to write about menswear on the high st. I did a bit of research and looked at other men's blogs and the titles of some of them were so long winded that by the time I'd looked at a couple, I couldn't remember the name of the first one. From that I knew that mine had to have a short name which was easy to remember, it had to make reference to the gender and also to what it was about. I eventually came up with Man (gender) and Snaps (pictures).

In October as the blog's following began to build I decided to display a picture, still with caution. The fashion world can be so brutal and I wasn't ready to face criticism over how I looked as I was finding my feet with my writing style and the format of the blog. Luckily for me, people responded well. Despite my eyes being covered by the web address it became far more relatable to followers than the title they had been looking at previously.

In November I made a brave decision and decided to reveal my identity to followers. The positive feedback from people gave me the confidence to unmask and be proud of the increasing number of followers Man Snaps was receiving.

In December, I started thinking about the future of Man Snaps and where I wanted it to go. With that came an updated visual of me and the inclusion of the strap line "a fashion blog for the everyman" and Man Snaps became "Mansnaps". Slight but important changes. The strap line brought the focus to new followers who didn't know what Man Snaps was and removing the space in the title gave the blog a more definite sounding title.

This is the current image, featured on But for me this is more than just an updated image it's a huge achievement. When I met with the web designer back in January to discuss the future of the blog and where I wanted it to go, I never expected to get to this point so quickly. I'm so proud of the new website and I can't wait for you all to see it on the 27th!

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